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Rev. John T. Pless, Professor of Practical Theology, CTS, Fort Wayne says:
"The American Evangelical theologian, Mark Noll comments 'For whatever reason, in the ineffable wisdom of God, the speech of Martin Luther rang clear where others merely mumbled.' Thanks to the efforts of Pastor Joel Baseley, the speech of Martin Luther is allowed to ring clear in Luther's Family Devotions. In contrast to the majority of contemporary devotional volumes available today, Luther's Family Devotions provides daily readings that are reflective of the realities of God's work in Christ and His delivery of that work in Baptism, Absolution, and the Supper. . ."
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Rev. Joel Brondos, Pastor and Headmaster of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Brookfield, IL says:
"As a translator and colporteur, Rev. Joel Baseley has made Link's salutary devotional work accessible to many more modern readers. This edition brings together the Scriptures, Luther, Lutheran hymnody and the church year. Whether one finds it in the home, the study or the classroom, one cannot help but benefit from these daily doses of Law and Gospel, the theology of the cross, and the doctrine of the two kingdoms."
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